saturday april 26Where does Reggaebus Festival takes place ?
Budasesteenweg 96
1130 Brussels
How to get there ?
Take line 58 to Vilvoorde and get off at Diegemstraat
25 minutes from North Station
*NEW* Tram
Take line 10 and get off at Simone Veil, near Buda Bridge, 750m from Buda BXL!
Take a train to Antwerp and get off at Buda
8 minutes from North Station
25 minutes from North Station, ride along the Vilvoordsesteenweg / Chaussée de Vilvoorde.
Where is the timetable ?
Doors open at 9pm and close at 4am. Artists time slots will be announced soon.
Can I leave the party and come back later ?
No, out = out,
Is there a camping ?
Can I get food and drinks at Reggaebus ?
Yes, there will be a Jamaican food stand and of course we have a bar.
How can I pay at Reggaebus ?
You can pay with cash or with your card.